Meet Subrat Padhi, the host for our inaugural Inspired Talk – 5X Your Life on 31st January 2018.
Here, he tells us more about the 5X philosophy and why he chose this as his Talk topic.
1. What is your talk all about?
My talk is all about potential. Of every human being on earth. You, me and everyone else around us. How much we can do, and compared to that, how little most of us may be doing. In each area of our life – professional, career, financial, health, family, spiritual and relationships
2. What’s the 5X Philosophy?
The 5X philosophy simply means that each of us is capable of 5 times more than what we may currently be achieving. There’s a world of potential residing in each of us. Bringing that to life and making it a reality is our opportunity.
3. What inspired you to develop this philosophy?
This philosophy is a relatively unknown but well established approach, communicated in various forms over the years. In modern times, people like Mark Divine have spoken about the 20X philosophy. But then, he’s a Navy Seal. Closer home, there’s the famous line in the Upanishads that says, “We are what our deep driving desire is.”. Well, the reality is that many of us do not have a deep driving desire, and are coasting in life, playing way below our potential. The 5X philosophy seeks to help us think through and identify our deep driving desires, and shares some tools and techniques and thought processes to help bring these to life.
4. How has this impacted your life?
Well, this philosophy has helped me achieve some of my dreams, including writing two books, and reinventing myself for a second career in derivatives trading. Having said that, living the 5X philosophy is a continuous process, and I am using it to impact a few more aspects of my life, including starting the journey to extremely good health and fitness.
5. How will your talk really help the audience?
My talk seeks to stimulate the audience to start thinking about their respective lives and how they can take it to the next level. Many specific tools and techniques shall be shared, and I am sure that each member of the audience will be able to choose three or four things that totally resonates with them. And which, when practiced, will dramatically impact their professional and or lives in a dramatic manner.
Dont miss out on this amazing talk. Book Your Seat today.
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